Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Water Transfer Printing a great value adding process

Water transfer printing is the most cost effective method of applying intricate designs such as camouflage to complex shapes. But very few manufacturers and distributors are aware of just how valuable this printing method can be.

Water transfer printing gives the ability to make one type of material look like another. This is advantages when the desired look of a material is not the best material for the application; think about a high moisture application in the marine industry where the desired look is a wood grain. Wood swells and warps where a more suitable material would be a plastic or a composite. With water transfer printing the best solution can be achieved by using the most suitable material decoratively coated using water transfer printing to look like the desired material. So our plastic or composite piece can look like high end walnut or birds eye maple.

Water transfer printing can be the bridge in getting our products into new markets; camouflaging a product can open markets that would normally be closed without the application of camouflage.

These are just a couple of examples of how water transfer printing can help bring added value to the products we manufacture and distribute.

For further reading check out our previous post Advantages of water transfer imaging

Until Next time,

Imagine it…..Dip it!

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